There are a lot of different animal and plant species that they are poisonous or produce poisons, like snakes, scorpions, or rabbit plant. and. poppies. These. animals. and. plants. were. thought. as. killers, but. as. the. science. progressed, the. scientists. discovered. the healing abilities of many poisons. In ancient times, some of these poisons were known and were used as a remedy for different cases. Many of our present medications are derived directly or indirectly. from. higher. plants. A. number. of. these. plant. derived. substances. have. entered. into. the. western. market. [1]. There. is. an. enormous. market. for. crude. herbal. medicines. One. of. these. poisonous plants are called poppies [2]. Opium is derived from poppies. The scientific name is “Lacharyma Papaveris” [1]. These poppies are native plants basically in Asia and Eurasia, but they are found in Europe and America too. Poppies may appear in different. shapes, colors, and. different. seeds. Except. the. seeds, all kinds and parts of the plant are poisonous. Seeds are used as condiment or in dishes [2]. Poppies are mostly and widely are being produced in Afghanistan nowadays. We can find in Euroasia, but the plantation of poppies were prohibited in America, but in some places, it can be found. All poppies are poisonous, it has narcotic properties. Poppies are generally beautiful with large red, white, and yellow flowers [1]. In ancient times, the drug was first used by Avicenna and Razi. All parts of the poppies are poisonous “as told before”. By scratching the poppy, a liquid penetrates out which called Opium. Opium is poisonous too [2]. In a small amount, it was used as a pain killer, diarrhea cure, stomach problems and dysentery. The derivatives of opium like codeine, heroin, and morphine are poisoning drugs [1]. Alkaloids are nitrogen bearing alkaline chemicals and derived from certain Amino Acids which blocks the proteins, and in this way; it affects the nervous system [2]. All Alkaloids are not toxic. Some of them are useful, but some of them are harmful [2]. One common alkaloid which is harmless and is used daily is caffeine. Opium contains codeine and morphine [1]. When consumed these symptoms occur; slow breathing, slow strong pulse, drowsiness, strongly contracted pupils, then sleep occurs and then leads to a coma [2]. When taken in specific amount, the stomach should be emptied and washed. The administration of nitrites and atropine should. be. done. [2]. When. we. use. atropine; we. must. be. very. cautious. This drug may intensify paralysis of the heart. Nowadays, we have a lot of drugs derived from Opium; they are in two groups; Natural and semisynthetic derivatives [1].In my opinion, one of the most amazing plant in nature is “Poppy”; it has gotten a wide variety use from ancient times. Day by day, scientists are find out more medical properties. I believe we are going to get new properties and medications from opium. I think morphine is one of the amazing natural medication. After surgery, millions of people can tolerate the surgery and the cancer patients use it as a pain killer. Opium is the greatest healer if we do not use it as a opiate drug. References1. Opium. and. people. (n.d.). Herbal. and. medicine. (n.d.). Drug Addi Ther.
Author: Dr. Marjan Assefi