As a leader, I welcome changes. I know changes always lead the company toward better positions because the world is heading toward massive changes. If we don’t welcome the minor changes, then the future coming big change will knock us out. When the question of change comes up, the first thing that a leader confronts is resistance .Resistance trimming the team workers? As a leader I should try to soften that resistance toward resilience by communication. I believe the team group has the right to be resistant because they are mostly afraid of their positions and financial problems. As a leader it is my responsibility to organize their thoughts and direct it toward the positive. Outcomes and achievements in future; I try to inject positivity and optimism. The steps that I take to convince them are the steps advised by John Kotter.
1 Make the team to understand that it is urgent
2 Identify a team of supporters
3 Have communication on our visions, values, and goals
4 To communicate positive points and procedures repeatedly 5 The leader should act powerfully in order to empower the
6 To think about reachable goals
7 To emphasize the achievements
8 To make innovation to become a habit.
I analyzed the effects of a Good leader in a company .I analyzed three kinds of styles out of many experienced ones. The one that I think suits best is transformational. Although it has positive consequences, but I think if we use a cognitive one, we will get better results. In my opinion, the most important factors in leadership are Change and communication. If a leader can make the team understand the liability and necessity of change and its benefits for the team, this leader will succeed and will be successful.
Author: Dr. Marjan Assefi